I am thrilled to share with you a porch transformation DIY project by one of our past giveaway winners via Savvy Southern Style , Kelly from Coastal Cottage Dreams.
At the end of this post is our giveaway contest announcement and I am hoping you will join us!
Lovely bouquet of flowers using our Willow Bag with Belt
Love the airy and fresh feel look of this porch, heaven!
A hard work for something great...
Love the details!
I will come by and have this homemade iced tea anytime!
Our framed bird’s nest, lovely!
Again, it is all in the details.
Thanks Kelly for sharing your photos!
Visit Kelly’s blog

Winner will choose
and 2 Tankards
$100 Verbena Cottage Gift Certificate
Like Verbena Cottage on Facebook
One of the following:
1. If you have a Pinterest account, follow Verbena Cottage on Pinterest and Pin the above contest announcement . Enter www.theverbenacottage.com on your pin and comment here (blog) to let us know.
2. Invite friends to follow us on Facebook and write your comment to let us know.
You will be entered each time your friend(s) becomes a follower to increase your chances for winning. Please come back and let us know.
You may do both (1 and 2) and you will be entered each time!
Contest ends May 6 midnight.
The winner will be randomly selected.
Thank you and Have fun!
Mary Ann